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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ซึมซับ " คือ ...

Thai : ซึมซับ (sụmsạb)
Chinese : 吸收 (xīshōu)

English : absorb
     Simplified Chinese : 吸收
     Traditional Chinese : 吸收

Example :: absorb

Chinese : 镁是一种它们从周围的海水中吸收的矿物质。
English : Magnesium is a mineral that they absorb from the surrounding sea water.

Chinese : 如果你碰巧将一些汽油或机油洒在地板上,报纸将帮助你吸收倾洒物并且可以保护你的物品避免永久染色或在沥青车道上留下独特的记号。
English : If you happen to spill some gas or oil on the floor, newspaper will help absorb the spill and can prevent a permanent stain on concrete or a soft spot in your asphalt drive.

Chinese : 直到此前,人们认为它们不能吸收和贮存显著数量的大气中的温室气体。
English : Until now, they were not thought to absorb and store significant amounts of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

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