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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ต้องกัน " คือ ...

Thai : ต้องกัน (t̂xng kạn)
Chinese : 必须在一起 (bìxū zài yīqǐ)

English : accordingly
     Simplified Chinese : ad. 因此;于是;如前所说;相应地
     Traditional Chinese : ad. 因此;于是;如前所說;相應地

Example :: accordingly

Chinese : 士兵若未报到将被视为擅离职守而受处分。
English : Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.

Chinese : 这将为各Participant添加一个部分,并相应地设置其类型。
English : This will add a part for each Participant and set its type accordingly.

Chinese : 这是份棘手的工作,他们应得到相应的报酬。
English : It is a difficult job and they should be paid accordingly

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