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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขอขมา " คือ ...

Thai : ขอขมา (k̄hx k̄hmā)
Chinese : 讨饶 (tǎoráo)

English : apologize
     Simplified Chinese : v. 道歉;辩白
     Traditional Chinese : v. 道歉;辯白

Example :: apologize

Chinese : 你得给她好好赔个话。
English : You have to sincerely apologize to her.

Chinese : 该道歉的是我,不是你。
English : It's for me to apologize, not for you.

Chinese : 我是来道歉的,是我多疑了。
English : I came to apologize. I shouldn't have been suspicious.

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