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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " พอเหมาะพอควร " คือ ...

Thai : พอเหมาะพอควร (phxh̄emāa phxkhwr)
Chinese : 适当地 (shìdàng de)

English : appropriately
     Simplified Chinese : adv. 适当地, 相称地
     Traditional Chinese : adv. 適當地, 相稱地

Example :: appropriately

Chinese : 以类似的风格,可以对可选的和选择性的活动也能够被适当地识别和建模。
English : In a similar fashion optional and alternative activities can be identified and modeled appropriately.

Chinese : 一个良好的虚拟化系统应能够预料到这些问题,并适当地对它们进行处理。
English : A proper virtualization system will expect these problems and deal with them appropriately.

Chinese : 审计追踪为内部和外部审计员提供了证据,证明已经适当地保留了记录。
English : Audit trails provide proof to internal and external auditors that records have been retained appropriately.

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