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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อดสู " คือ ...

Thai : อดสู (xds̄ū)
Chinese : 可耻 (kěchǐ)

English : ashamed
     Simplified Chinese : adj. 羞耻, 惭愧, 害臊
     Traditional Chinese : adj. 羞恥, 慚愧, 害臊

Example :: ashamed

Chinese : 好象是如果我的同伴能买得起一辆雷克萨斯而我买不起,我就该觉得羞愧?
English : It seems that if my buddy can afford a Lexus and I cannot I should feel ashamed?

Chinese : 上次觉得羞耻是什么时候?
English : When did you last feel ashamed?

Chinese : 承认自己的错误有什么可羞惭的呢?
English : What is there to be ashamed of confessing one's errors?

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