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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สินทรัพย์ " คือ ...

Thai : สินทรัพย์ (s̄inthrạphy̒)
Chinese : 财富 (cáifù)

English : asset
     Simplified Chinese : 资产
     Traditional Chinese : 資產

Example :: asset

Chinese : 资产的自定义属性中可以加入任意的字符串值,然而,这些值是用于在 RAM 客户端中进行搜索和只读查看目的的。
English : Any string value can be placed in the custom attribute on the asset; however, the value is for searching and view-only purposes in the RAM clients.

Chinese : 针对每种威胁,您应当为每种资产指定风险影响评级。
English : For each threat, you should assign ratings of risk impacts for each asset.

Chinese : 两个扩展的站点不包含任何目录数据,但是它们设置它们的存储路径来指向目录资产存储。
English : The two extended sites do not contain any catalog data, but instead they set their store path to point at the catalog asset store.

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