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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผู้ยืม " คือ ...

Thai : ผู้ยืม (p̄hū̂ yụ̄m)
Chinese : 借款人 (jièkuǎn rén)

English : borrower
     Simplified Chinese : 借款人
     Traditional Chinese : 借款人

Example :: borrower

Chinese : 政府不可避免的成为最后的借款人和消费者。
English : The government then inevitably emerges as borrower and spender of last resort.

Chinese : 对合同的管理是借款人的责任。
English : The administration of contracts is the borrower's responsibility.

Chinese : 由任何人支付的旨在降低借款人月还贷额的现金付款。
English : A cash payment made by any party to reduce a borrower's monthly loan payment.

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