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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทางอากาศ " คือ ...

Thai : ทางอากาศ (thāng xākāṣ̄)
Chinese : 空气 (kōngqì)

English : by air
     Simplified Chinese : 坐飞机;通过航空途径
     Traditional Chinese : 坐飛機;通過航空途徑

Example :: by air

Chinese : 生命的胚芽是由空气、配料、机器甚至人带来的。
English : Germs were brought by air, ingredients. machinery and even by people.

Chinese : 使用一个真实类比,当您乘飞机旅行时,要签入托运大件行李且只要在到达中转点或目的地时才领取它们。
English : Using a real life analogy, when you travel by air, you check-in large pieces of luggage and only claim them when you reach a transfer point or your destination.

Chinese : 例如,德里5-16岁的儿童10个里有1个患有支气管哮喘,部分原因就是空气污染。
English : For example, in Delhi, one out of 10 children aged 5 to 16 suffers from bronchial asthma, which is caused in part by air pollution.

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