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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " คลอง " คือ ...

Thai : คลอง (khlxng)
Chinese : 运河 (yùnhé)

English : canal
     Simplified Chinese : 运河, 管道
     Traditional Chinese : 運河, 管道

Example :: canal

Chinese : 鲤鱼已经游到了密歇根湖约25英里内,在那他们的路线被芝加哥环境卫生和航行运河的两个电子屏障所阻挡。
English : The carp have advanced to within about 25 miles of Lake Michigan, where their path is blocked by two electronic barriers on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal.

Chinese : 这只在离当地最近的运河大约半英里处被发现的雄性成年海狮,在公路巡洋舰队的后面休息,当一位军官在等待一支舰队救援组时看到了它。
English : The adult male sea lion, which was found about a half-mile from the nearest canal, rested on the back of a highway patrol cruiser while officers waited for a marine rescue team to pick up the animal.

Chinese : 但它可能会推迟一些更为令人咋舌的计划,例如在哥伦比亚北部山区建造一条媲美巴拿马运河的货运专线。
English : But it might postpone some of the dizzier schemes, such as one to build a freight line across mountainous northern Colombia to rival the Panama canal.

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