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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ด้วยเหตุฉะนี้ " คือ ...

Thai : ด้วยเหตุฉะนี้ (d̂wy h̄etu c̄hanī̂)
Chinese : 到目前为止 (dào mùqián wéizhǐ)

English : consequently
     Simplified Chinese : ad. 结果
     Traditional Chinese : ad. 結果

Example :: consequently

Chinese : 因而,您和您的团队开始质疑单元测试的价值:如果它们对代码质量那么重要,那又为什么会让人这么头痛呢?
English : Consequently, you and your team have begun to question the value of unit tests: if they are so important to code quality, why are they such a pain?

Chinese : 通过这种方法,所有读取操作和相应的处理将在事务的上下文之外执行,因此不会在事务持续时间内在数据库中保持锁。
English : This way, all of the read operations and corresponding processing execute outside of a transaction's context, and consequently do not hold locks in the database for the duration of the transaction.

Chinese : 因此,这个新规范的设计指导原则之一就是要与现存的应用程序和驱动程序保持兼容性。
English : Consequently, one of the guiding design principles of the new specification is to maintain compatibility with existing applications and drivers.

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