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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หว่านล้อม " คือ ...

Thai : หว่านล้อม (h̄ẁānl̂xm)
Chinese : 哄骗 (hǒngpiàn)

English : convince
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. 使确信,使信服
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. 使確信,使信服

Example :: convince

Chinese : 但这些聪明的猫咪们是如何说服我们顺从它们的要求的呢?
English : But how do these clever kitties convince us to do their bidding?

Chinese : 然而,他们会试图说服你,他们出售所有的东西就是这样。
English : Yet they’ll try to convince you that everything they sell is exactly that.

Chinese : 所有已有的事实都应该说服你:每一分钟,十几亿的个体和集体行动都在改善着这个星球的生存状态。
English : All available facts should convince you that the billions of individual and collective actions that are taken every minute are improving life upon this planet.

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