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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กระจู๋กระจี๋ " คือ ...

Thai : กระจู๋กระจี๋ (kracū̌kracī̌)
Chinese : 鸪鸪声 (gū gū shēng)

English : coo
     Simplified Chinese : v. [鸽等]鸪鸪地叫;唧唧地讲情话
     Traditional Chinese : v. [鴿等]鴣鴣地叫;唧唧地講情話

Example :: coo

Chinese : 一对英国黑人夫妇昨日产下一名婴儿-白皮肤,蓝眼睛的金发小孩。
English : BLACK couple coo over their new baby yesterday-a white, blue-eyed BLONDE.

Chinese : 其它的则说,董事长是一个首席运营官的代名词,特别是在规模较小的公司。
English : Others proclaim that the president is a synonym for COO, especially in smaller companies.

Chinese : 每一次都是由COO蒂姆库克暂时担负起他老板的职责。
English : Each time, Tim Cook, Apple's chief operating officer, temporarily assumed his boss's responsibilities.

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