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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขุ่นหมอง " คือ ...

Thai : ขุ่นหมอง (k̄hùnh̄mxng)
Chinese : 苦难 (kǔnàn)

English : distress
     Simplified Chinese : 痛苦,困苦
     Traditional Chinese : 痛苦,困苦

Example :: distress

Chinese : 这家伙不同情任何人的苦难。
English : The fellow doesn't pity anyone in their distress.

Chinese : 想到托尼正处于危险中,他心急如焚。
English : The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.

Chinese : “消化不良”是个笼统的术语,可以指各种胃部不适。
English : Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress.

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