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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขนาดยา " คือ ...

Thai : ขนาดยา (k̄hnād yā)
Chinese : 剂量 (jìliàng)

English : dose
     Simplified Chinese : 剂量
     Traditional Chinese : 劑量

Example :: dose

Chinese : 一剂的价格可以低于一只避孕套的价格,因为敷药器就是模制塑料制品而已,没什么专利限制,“中国人制造它们只需要半个便士。” 他说道。
English : The price of a dose could fall below that of a condom because the applicators are just molded plastic and, without patents restrictions, “the Chinese could make them for half a penny, ” he said.

Chinese : 如果辐射剂量超过一定的阈值水平,那么它可以产生,如皮肤发红,脱发,辐射烧伤和和急性辐射综合症(ARS1)等急性影响。
English : If the dose of radiation exceeds a certain threshold level, then it can produce acute effects, such as skin redness, hair loss, radiation burns, and acute radiation syndrome (ARS1).

Chinese : 相关性的强度应该达到一定联系强度水平(从流行病学的角度来看),并且副反应与疫苗存在剂量-反应关系。
English : The association should be strong in the magnitude of the association (in an epidemiological sense), and in the dose-response relationship of the vaccine with the adverse effect.

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