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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ชักลาก " คือ ...

Thai : ชักลาก (chạk lāk)
Chinese : 拖车 (tuōchē)

English : drag
     Simplified Chinese : [vt].拖,拉[n].被拖物;型盒下部(牙模盘)
     Traditional Chinese : [vt].拖,拉[n].被拖物;型盒下部(牙模盤)

Example :: drag

Chinese : 如果需要在一个特定的工作区打开一个应用程序,你只需要从程序面板中将相应的图标拖到那个工作区。
English : To open an application on a certain workspace, all you have to do is drag its icon from Dash to the workspace you want it to open to.

Chinese : 类似地,当您先创建流程,然后将该流程拖到集成编辑器时,它将为所有引用合作伙伴创建组件引用。
English : Likewise, when you create a process first, then drag the process on to the Assembly editor, it creates component references for all the reference partners.

Chinese : 点击中间的那个点,(聚光灯范围圆圈里)并将其拖曳到你想要的地方。
English : Click on the center point (inside the circle) and drag the light into the position where you want it.

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