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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทุ่มตลาด " คือ ...

Thai : ทุ่มตลาด (thùmtlād)
Chinese : 倾销 (qīngxiāo)

English : dumping
     Simplified Chinese : 倾倒,倾泻
     Traditional Chinese : 傾倒,傾瀉

Example :: dumping

Chinese : 这篇文章论述了危险化学制品的非法运输与倾卸问题。
English : The article discussed the illegal transport and dumping of dangerous chemicals.

Chinese : 该公司在廉价倾销它的货物。
English : The company is dumping its goods.

Chinese : 我老板总说我。
English : My boss is always dumping on me.

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