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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขันที " คือ ...

Thai : ขันที (k̄hạnthī)
Chinese : 宦官 (huànguān)

English : eunuch
     Simplified Chinese : [n].去睾者,无睾者,阉人,去势者(青春期前去除睾丸)
     Traditional Chinese : [n].去睪者,無睪者,閹人,去勢者(青春期前去除睪丸)

Example :: eunuch

Chinese : 要不是你救过我,把你屁股踢成八瓣。
English : I am going to kick your eunuch butt.

Chinese : 明代宦官的文学作为&以诗文创作与作品存佚为研究中心
English : Studies of Eunuch's Literary Activities in Ming Dynasty& A Research Concentrated on Recovered Poetic Works

Chinese : 进门的小房间住了一个小老头子,没有胡子,后来听说是清皇室的一名小太监,给他看门的。
English : At the gate was a diminutive, beardless old man who, we later learned, had once served as a junior eunuch at the Qing court. He lived in a small room at the entrance and took care of the house.

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