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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อย่างยุติธรรม " คือ ...

Thai : อย่างยุติธรรม (xỳāng yutiṭhrrm)
Chinese : 公正地 (gōngzhèng de)

English : fairly
     Simplified Chinese : [adv]. 公正地;完全;相当;清楚地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv]. 公正地;完全;相當;清楚地

Example :: fairly

Chinese : 毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。
English : It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny

Chinese : 只是到最近历史学家才开始探究这个问题。
English : It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the question

Chinese : 我们都学会了要非常坦诚地对待自己的个人生活。
English : We've all learnt to be fairly truthful about our personal lives

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