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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผู้รับช่วง " คือ ...

Thai : ผู้รับช่วง (p̄hū̂rạb ch̀wng)
Chinese : 继承者 (jìchéng zhě)

English : heir
     Simplified Chinese : [n].后嗣;继承人
     Traditional Chinese : [n].後嗣;繼承人

Example :: heir

Chinese : 伴随这场婚礼的问题是每个有脑子的人都还记得王室继承人最后一次婚礼还是要追溯到1981年的查尔斯与黛安娜 斯宾塞温莎的婚礼。
English : The problem with this wedding is that everyone with a brain remembers the last wedding of a royal heir, Charles Windsor and Diana Spencer back in 1981.

Chinese : 金正日在1974年被其父金日成钦点为继承人,而在1994年金日成死后担任领导职务。
English : Kim was officially anointed his father's heir in 1974 and assumed leadership upon his father's death in 1994.

Chinese : 我与父亲约定的信号是,假如他已经是继承人,我就在桌子下踢踢父亲的腿,那么他 不会求婚——否则,他就会当晚求婚。
English : The signal agreed on between my father and me was that if he was her heir without being her husband I was to kick him under the table and he would not propose — otherwise he would.

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