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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อากรขาเข้า " คือ ...

Thai : อากรขาเข้า (xākr k̄hā k̄hêā)
Chinese : 进口税 (jìnkǒu shuì)

English : import duty
     Simplified Chinese : 进口税
     Traditional Chinese : 進口稅

Example :: import duty

Chinese : 要建立全球网络,对所感兴趣的项目估价时,就要着眼于“总成本”,并考虑附加的成本诸如运输和进口关税。
English : Establishing global networks also has caused companies to look at "total cost" when pricing items of interest, taking into consideration the additional costs of shipping and import duty.

Chinese : 本办法所称的进口税,包括关税和增值税、消费税。
English : The term "import duty" includes customs duty, value added tax and consumption tax.

Chinese : 进口物品应当按照海关填发税款交纳证那一天有效的税率征收进口税。
English : Import duty on an article is to be levied at the tariff rate in force on the date of issue of the Customs Duty Memorandum.

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