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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ชี้ชวน " คือ ...

Thai : ชี้ชวน (chī̂ chwn)
Chinese : 督促 (dūcù)

English : induce
     Simplified Chinese : 导致
     Traditional Chinese : 導致

Example :: induce

Chinese : 来自马里兰州全国癌症研究所的研究人员说:“钙已被证明可以减少不正常的生长和诱导细胞之间在胃肠道中的正常流通。”
English : The researchers, from the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, said: 'Calcium has been shown to reduce abnormal growth and induce normal turnover among cells in the gastrointestinal tract.

Chinese : 他们也用了药物来引起昏迷,昏迷降低了大脑中的新陈代谢和血流速度,从而降低血压。
English : They also used drugs to induce a coma, which slows the metabolism and blood flow in the brain, decreasing pressure.

Chinese : 问题关键在于找到正确的诱导干细胞分化成心脏细胞,神经细胞,制造胰岛素的细胞或者其他细胞的生长因子的正确方法。
English : The key lay in finding just the right recipe of growth factors and nutrients to induce a stem cell to become a heart cell, a neuron, an insulin-making cell or something else.

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