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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผู้ตรวจการณ์ " คือ ...

Thai : ผู้ตรวจการณ์ (p̄hū̂ trwckārṇ̒)
Chinese : 研究者 (yánjiū zhě)

English : inspector
     Simplified Chinese : 检查员
     Traditional Chinese : 檢查員

Example :: inspector

Chinese : 报告说,长期缺乏检查员妨碍了管道安全局开展工作。
English : The report said the pipeline agency was hampered by a chronic inspector shortage.

Chinese : 总督察拉尔· 瑟纳维拉森说有25人捐赠了他们的宠物狗,但只有18只狗可以入选,其他的没有达到应征要求。
English : Chief Inspector Lal Senavirathne said 25 people donated their pets, but only 18 dogs could be enlisted as the others did not meet the recruitment criteria.

Chinese : 审查人员4:“由于审查工作通常是根据审查清单进行的,很多时候我们并不清楚有些问题的原因,事实上是与模型质量性质相关的。
English : Inspector 4: "Since inspections are usually done according to checklists, many times we do not know the reason why certain questions are, in fact, relevant to the quality of the model.

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