Thai : พูดสอด (phūd s̄xd) Chinese : 帮腔 (bāngqiāng)
English : interrupt Simplified Chinese : 断续,中断 Traditional Chinese : 斷續,中斷 Example :: interrupt
Chinese : 但是在美国,任何球员都可以打断比赛。 English : But in America, any of the players can interrupt the game.
Chinese : 然后,我故意拔掉主机与交换机之间的一根 FC 电缆,以中断其中一条访问路径。 English : Then I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.
Chinese : 这种方法的硬度主要取决于 CPU 中断结构和环境转换的硬件支持。 English : The hardness of this approach depends mostly on the CPU interrupt structure and context-switch hardware support.