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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กำลังแรงงาน " คือ ...

Thai : กำลังแรงงาน (kảlạng rængngān)
Chinese : 劳动力 (láodònglì)

English : labor force

Example :: labor force

Chinese : 如果是这样,那就意味着改变可能是永久性的,而劳动力在总体上不会突然上升,不同于先前衰退期之后的情况。
English : If so, that suggests the changes may be permanent, and the labor force won't suddenly surge in size, as it has done after other recessions.

Chinese : 这种情况很大程度上是由于更多的妇女参与到了劳动力之中,直到有了小孩才停止工作。
English : That was largely on account of more women joining the labor force, and continuing to work once they had kids.

Chinese : 弗朗西丝·帕金斯: 第一位女性内阁成员。 她提倡8小时工作制、更严格的工厂安全法规以及保护妇女和儿童劳动力的法规。
English : Frances Perkins the first woman cabinet member who advocated the 8 hour day, stricter factory safety laws, and laws for the protection of women and children in the labor force.

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