English : lid Simplified Chinese : ①眼睑 ②盖,罩 Example :: lid
Chinese : 倒了一整罐的可乐到键盘上,再用盖子和机身压扁罐子回收 -- 啥事都没有 English : We poured Diet Coke on the keyboard. Then we used the lid to crush the can.
Chinese : 这节长达一个小时的课,其余的时间飞逝而过,我们互道离别的时候,我将盒盖盖上了这小小的空盒。 English : The rest of the hour slipped past us, and we said our goodbyes as I placed the lid back on the small empty box.
Chinese : 据悉,这种可保温的金属豆很快就会登录美国市场,售价为50美元每包。必须要提醒的是,这种金属豆只有在“带盖”的杯子中才能达到保温5小时的效果。 English : Unfortunately, the beans - which are due to shortly go on sale in the US with a retail price of $50 for a bag - only work at their best when the cup is insulated with a lid.