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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เวชภัณฑ์ " คือ ...

Thai : เวชภัณฑ์ (wechp̣hạṇṯh̒)
Chinese : 医疗用品 (yīliáo yòngpǐn)

English : medical supplies

Example :: medical supplies

Chinese : 他们携带了食物、医疗器具和氧气设备。
English : They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment.

Chinese : 抗生素、药物补给、一般急救用品。
English : Antibiotics, medical supplies, general first aid.

Chinese : 确保你的工具箱中包含了重要的基本医疗用品。
English : Make sure that your kit contains important basic medical supplies.

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