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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " มัธยม " คือ ...

Thai : มัธยม (mạṭhym)
Chinese : 高中 (gāozhōng)

English : medium
     Simplified Chinese : (1)培养基,(2)介质;介体
     Traditional Chinese : (1)培養基,(2)介質;介體

Example :: medium

Chinese : 考虑下例所提:每一个社会,已知的社会,运作的媒介,多少都含有一些信念或信仰。
English : Consider the following: every society which we know operates within the medium of belief or faith of some kind.

Chinese : 让它回到目标水平需要时间,但我们会在中等时期里让它回到目标水平的。
English : It will take time to get it back there, but we will do that in the medium term.

Chinese : “讯息”是包含在该媒介上信息,无论是音乐、电影、软件,还是其它一些资料。
English : The "message" is the information contained within that medium, whether it be music, a film, software, or some other information.

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