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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หลอมเหลว " คือ ...

Thai : หลอมเหลว (h̄lxmh̄elw)
Chinese : 闻 (wén)

English : melt
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]., [vi]., [n].(使)溶解,(使)溶化;(使)消失
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]., [vi]., [n].(使)溶解,(使)溶化;(使)消失

Example :: melt

Chinese : 让止咳糖在你嘴里溶化。
English : Let the cough drop melt in your mouth.

Chinese : 那些山很高,上面的冰长年不化。
English : The mountains are high and the ice on them doesn't melt all year round.

Chinese : 这可能导致地球冰冠融化。
English : This could cause the ice caps to melt.

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