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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กราม " คือ ...

Thai : กราม (krām)
Chinese : 颚 (è)

English : molar
     Simplified Chinese : (1) 臼齿 , (2) 摩尔
     Traditional Chinese : (1) 臼齒 , (2) 摩爾

Example :: molar

Chinese : 水的密度,是摩尔体积的倒数,所以密度,摩尔密度,等于一除以摩尔体积。
English : The density of water which is the inverse of the mole volume, so the density, the molar density, is equal to one over the molar volume.

Chinese : “那颗乳齿臼齿和我以前见到过的所有古人类乳齿都不一样,”怀特告诉我说,“我和诹访元当时只能目瞪口呆的看着彼此,一句话都说不出来。
English : "That milk molar was like no other hominid baby tooth I'd ever seen, and I'd seen them all, " White told me. "Gen and I just looked at each other.

Chinese : 所以你最终得到的结果是,液体的的摩尔密度,小于固体的摩尔密度。
English : So you've got the molar density for liquid is then smaller than the molar density for the solid.

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