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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เทียบเรือ " คือ ...

Thai : เทียบเรือ (theīyb reụ̄x)
Chinese : 泊位 (bówèi)

English : moor
     Simplified Chinese : 沼泽,沼泽原,酸沼
     Traditional Chinese : 沼澤,沼澤原,酸沼

Example :: moor

Chinese : 无论它来自哪里,越来越多无可争辩的证据表明,博德明荒原上游荡着一只巨大的黑色野生猫科动物。
English : Whatever the truth about its origin, there is growing, indisputable evidence that a large, black, feral cat is stalking the land of Bodmin Moor.

Chinese : 窗外的荒野上,一群蟾蜍正在四处跳跃。
English : A group of toads were hopping about on the moor.

Chinese : 我回家来啦,我在旷野上走迷路啦!
English : I’ve lost my way on the moor!

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