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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ใกล้ฝั่ง " คือ ...

Thai : ใกล้ฝั่ง (kıl̂ f̄ạ̀ng)
Chinese : 近岸 (jìn àn)

English : onshore
     Simplified Chinese : 境内
     Traditional Chinese : 境內

Example :: onshore

Chinese : 陆上食物是非常有限的,与提供了北极熊脂肪和能量的大海根本没有可比性。
English : Food onshore is very limited and there is simply nothing comparable to a seal that provides a polar bear with fat and energy.

Chinese : 分解油页岩比传统的陆上钻探的过程更加费力费钱。
English : Cracking open shale is a much more intensive, and expensive, process than traditional onshore drilling.

Chinese : 鸭鳄大约3英尺长,有一副宽嘴巴可以像鸭子那样插入浅水湾或者岸边觅食鱼类或者蛙类。
English : DuckCroc, about 3 ft. long, had a broad snout for rooting in shallow water and onshore, duck-like, for fish and frogs.

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