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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " มองข้าม " คือ ...

Thai : มองข้าม (mxng k̄ĥām)
Chinese : 忽略 (hūlüè)

English : overlook
     Simplified Chinese : [vt].眺望;检查;看漏,忽略
     Traditional Chinese : [vt].眺望;檢查;看漏,忽略

Example :: overlook

Chinese : 过去的事情既往不咎,以后你可得注意。
English : We'll overlook what you've done in the past but you'd better watch out in the future.

Chinese : 这事我不能不管。你做的太过分了。
English : This is something I can't overlook. you've gone too far.

Chinese : 如果你和一个人合得来,你就会忽视他外表上的缺陷。
English : If you have an affinity for a person, you can overlook physical imperfections.

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