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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กุญแจสายยู " คือ ...

Thai : กุญแจสายยู (kuỵcæ s̄āyyū)
Chinese : U盘密钥 (U pán mì yào)

English : padlock
     Simplified Chinese : 挂锁;“荷包锁”
     Traditional Chinese : 掛鎖;“荷包鎖”

Example :: padlock

Chinese : 他想打开它,但大锁和挂锁都扣得很紧,这些忠实的守卫者似乎不情愿交出它们的宝藏。
English : He sought to open it; lock and padlock were fastened; these faithful guardians seemed unwilling to surrender their trust.

Chinese : 如浏览器状态栏上出现一个已锁上的挂锁图标,就表示您与花旗网上银行的对话已加密。
English : You can confirm your Citibank Online session is encrypted by the appearance of a closed padlock symbol on the status bar of your browser.

Chinese : 你只把独木舟的链条绕在一棵棕榈树上,没有用锁锁牢。
English : You merely twisted the chain of your canoe round a palm tree instead of fastening it with a padlock.

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