English : personnel Simplified Chinese : [n].全体人员 Traditional Chinese : [n].全體人員 Example :: personnel
Chinese : 管理人员也应该学几门手艺。 English : Administrative personnel should also acquire some technical skills.
Chinese : 如果你是某学科的专家,一个制造愚蠢错误的电影制造商能够烦人这种没有意义的事就像我很恼火一件事即错的勋章被别在军事人员身上。 English : If you are an expert on any subject, a film-maker who makes silly errors can be annoying - the trivial matter of incorrect medals on military personnel is the one that gets my goat.
Chinese : 如果你不能拿出时间参与孩子的学校生活,那就问问老师或是学校的工作人员自己能为学校帮上什么忙吧。 English : If you can’t be in school during the day, ask teachers and other school personnel to pass along some work that you can do on your own.