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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " นักฟิสิกส์ " คือ ...

Thai : นักฟิสิกส์ (nạk fis̄iks̄̒)
Chinese : 物理学家 (wùlǐ xué jiā)

English : physicist
     Simplified Chinese : 物理学家
     Traditional Chinese : 物理學家

Example :: physicist

Chinese : 从牛顿时代以来,数学家和物理学家们就一直通过考虑海洋对引潮力的响应来研究海潮现象。
English : Since Newton’s time, mathematicians and physicist have investigated the tides by considering the response of the oceans to the tide-generating forces.

Chinese : 物理学家认为是因为大脑对危险作出回应比执行一个有意的动机更快。
English : The physicist suggested that the brain responded to danger faster than it carried out a deliberate intention.

Chinese : 我那时的目标是成为一个物理学家。
English : My goal in those days: to become a physicist.

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