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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไถ " คือ ...

Thai : ไถ (t̄hị)
Chinese : 犁 (lí)

English : plough
     Simplified Chinese : , plow 犁
     Traditional Chinese : , plow 犁

Example :: plough

Chinese : 这些信仰随着迁移而保存下来:作者发现,移民到美国的家庭,如果父母都是来自传统的犁耕社会,那么他们的女儿不太可能去工作。
English : Such beliefs survive immigration: the authors find that the daughters of immigrants to America are less likely to work if their parents came from a traditionally plough-based society.

Chinese : 在波亚克的拉图尔酒庄,人们依靠马匹耕作葡萄园,就像14世纪那样。那个时候,葡萄藤第一次在这个庄园里种植。
English : At Château Latour in Pauillac, horses plough the vineyards just as they did in the 14th century, when vines were first grown on the estate.

Chinese : 青蛙也许会叫得比牛更响,但是它们不能在田里拉犁,也不会在酒坊里牵磨,它们的皮也做不出鞋来。
English : Frogs may bellow louder than bulls, but they cannot drag the plough in the field not turn the wheel of the winepress, and of their skins you cannot make shoes.

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