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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กำกัด " คือ ...

Thai : กำกัด (kảkạd)
Chinese : 限制 (xiànzhì)

English : restrict
     Simplified Chinese : 限制
     Traditional Chinese : 限制

Example :: restrict

Chinese : 一些银行将这笔资金的使用限定在缴纳房子的首付款上,从而为旗下的抵押贷款分支机构带来业务。
English : Some banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms.

Chinese : 他们可能还想限制进出其系统的网络流量,以便只有来自可信源的流量才可以进入其系统,以及只有授权的流量才可以出去。
English : They might also want to restrict the network traffic in and out of their system, so that only the traffic from trusted sources can enter their system and only authorized traffic can go out.

Chinese : 这是C++中一个好的习惯,因为编译器会内联这些访问,并且如果需要约束或者调试这些域的访问,你可以在任何时间添加代码。
English : This is an excellent habit for C++, because the compiler can usually inline the access, and if you need to restrict or debug field access you can add the code at any time.

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