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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ปู้ยี่ปู้ยำ " คือ ...

Thai : ปู้ยี่ปู้ยำ (pū̂yī̀pū̂yả)
Chinese : 蹂躏 (róulìn)

English : ruin
     Simplified Chinese : [n].毁灭,崩溃;(复)废墟,遗迹;(只用单)祸因[vt].,[vi].(使)毁灭,(使)毁坏
     Traditional Chinese : [n].毀滅,崩潰;(復)廢墟,遺蹟;(只用單)禍因[vt].,[vi].(使)毀滅,(使)毀壞

Example :: ruin

Chinese : 1993年年底冲突结束之时,该市的重要路段已经废弃,从那时起这里就只留下一堆令人毛骨悚然的废墟。
English : Significant sections of the city were abandoned after the conflict came to an end in 1993, and since then have crumbled into an eerie ruin.

Chinese : 只要有一点游戏体验的玩家都知道,损坏的控制器或糟糕的控制模式是如何将一款完美游戏毁坏殆尽的。
English : Any gamer with a modicum of experience knows how a bad controller or control scheme can completely ruin the experience of playing an otherwise excellent game.

Chinese : 不要冷眼旁观看着你的朋友堕落。
English : Never gloat over the ruin of your friend.

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