English : starve Simplified Chinese : [vi]. 饥饿,饿死,绝食;渴望(for) [vt]. 使饥饿,以节食治疗 Traditional Chinese : [vi]. 飢餓,餓死,絕食;渴望(for) [vt]. 使飢餓,以節食治療 Example :: starve
Chinese : 穷人挨饿,而富人在大吃大喝。 English : The poor starve while the rich feast.
Chinese : 北极熊在冰盖上猎取海豹或者其他海洋生物,如果没有了这些冰架它们就要面临挨饿的危机。 English : Polar bears as platforms for hunting seals and other sea creatures and without them, there is a real risk they could starve.
Chinese : 政府既不为一个人提供工作,又不让他挨饿,而是在肯定他已经为得到救济而先付过钱之后,给他一点救济金。 English : Instead of giving a man a job or letting him starve they are giving him doles - after making sure he has paid for them first.