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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เอนเอียง " คือ ...

Thai : เอนเอียง (xenxeīyng)
Chinese : 斜 (xié)

English : sway
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. [vi].,[n].摇动,摇摆;支配
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. [vi].,[n].搖動,搖擺;支配

Example :: sway

Chinese : 在十月,他还说,“美国人民有权利知道是谁在影响他们的选举,我们不能对少数特殊利益群体的声音淹没美国人民声音的现象袖手旁观,放任自流。”
English : As he said in October, “The American people deserve to know who's trying to sway their elections, and you can't stand by and let the special interests drown out the voices of the American people.

Chinese : 威纳德相信当审判来临时他能利用自己的媒体帝国动摇公众的看法,但是他发现主宰他人的力量转瞬即逝。
English : Wynand believes he can use hismedia empire to sway public opinion in Roark's favor as the trial approaches, but he discovers that power over others is ephemeral.

Chinese : 如果你拥有自己的创业型公司,影响你的是什么呢?
English : If you’ve got your own startup, what would sway you?

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