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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อารมณ์ " คือ ...

Thai : อารมณ์ (xārmṇ̒)
Chinese : 心情 (xīnqíng)

English : temper
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]., [vi]. (使)回火,淬硬;锻炼;(使)软化[n].心情,脾气;(钢,等的)韧度
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]., [vi]. (使)回火,淬硬;鍛鍊;(使)軟化[n].心情,脾氣;(鋼,等的)韌度

Example :: temper

Chinese : 但是他有一个缺点,即脾气暴躁,后经证实,这是一个严重的不足;他的才华遭到了暴躁性格的损毁。
English : Yet he had a weakness, which proved a serious defect--it was his want of temper; his genius was sacrificed to his irritability.

Chinese : 一个女人哭了起来,男人就没了脾气;在许多的冲突中,这好像是一个普遍的现象。
English : A woman cries and a man loses his temper; that seems to be the pervasive theme in many conflicts.

Chinese : 我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。
English : We do not like his acrid temper.

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