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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กะพรวดกะพราด " คือ ...

Thai : กะพรวดกะพราด (kaphrwdkaphrād)
Chinese : 等闲 (děngxián)

English : thoughtlessly

Example :: thoughtlessly

Chinese : 她没有考虑到就唱到:“两只眼,你睡着了吗”她一直这么唱,“三只眼,你醒了吗?
English : " as she ought to have done, she thoughtlessly sang, "Two eyes, are you sleeping?

Chinese : 非主流即为“主流”的对立,非主流一词本意为:不盲目跟从主流,另类、性情性质、超前或者滞后。
English : The mainstream is "mainstream" opposition, non-mainstream anything for: don't thoughtlessly following intended mainstream, alternative, personality, modern or lag.

Chinese : 不要想象你们能在你们目前这个充满噪音和无休活动的路途上草率的继续。
English : Do not imagine that you can continue thoughtlessly on your present path of noise and restless activity.

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