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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " รถบรรทุก " คือ ...

Thai : รถบรรทุก (rt̄h brrthuk)
Chinese : 卡车 (kǎchē)

English : truck
     Simplified Chinese : 手推车,货车
     Traditional Chinese : 手推車,貨車

Example :: truck

Chinese : 我们在新家旧家之间用这辆小卡车来回了四趟,花了几个星期再把东西挪到新家里。
English : We made four trips to our new home with the small truck and it took us weeks to unpack everything.

Chinese : 他开了好几年卡车, 从没有出过岔子。
English : He has been driving a truck for years and never had an accident.

Chinese : 他希望这卡车能保持在北向的车道上,不让他就没选择只能自己转向路外面的泥地。
English : He hoped the truck stayed put in the northbound lane, otherwise he’d have no choice but to find a field himself.

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