English : utter Simplified Chinese : [adj]. 完全的;彻底的;无条件的 Traditional Chinese : [adj]. 完全的;徹底的;無條件的 Example :: utter
Chinese : 因此,如果有人要说出“我只是一具被困在壳中,接收着电脑传输的感官信息的人体”这样一句话,那这句话本身就必然是错误的。 English : Thus, if someone were to utter the sentence "I am simply a body stuck in a pod somewhere being fed sensory information by a computer" that sentence would itself be necessarily false.
Chinese : 辍学者的数量日渐增加——那些年轻人甚至还没有开始工作便被认为是彻底的失败者——对此,我们难道不感到惊奇吗? English : Can we wonder at the increasing number of drop-outs: young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even begun a career②?
Chinese : 在大部分国际社会中,与毁灭我们的喊叫声相应的是完全的沉默。 English : In much of the international community, the calls for our destruction are met with utter silence.