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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไอ " คือ ...

Thai : ไอ (xị)
Chinese : 咳嗽 (késòu)

English : vapour
     Simplified Chinese : 蒸汽
     Traditional Chinese : 蒸汽

Example :: vapour

Chinese : 这些风可以把大量水蒸气运输到数百公里外的地方。
English : These winds can transport large amounts of water vapour over hundreds of kilometres.

Chinese : 而“有效”灌溉通常指的都是一些让85%的水最终以水汽的形式逸散的作法。
English : “Efficient” irrigation, though, is often used to describe systems that result in 85% of the water disappearing in vapour.

Chinese : 虽然其他物理学家已经证明,电子通过手性分子蒸气会影响其自旋极化。 但相较于DNA链实验给出的极化率而言,此效应的影响微不足道。
English : While other physicists have shown that passage through a vapour of chiral molecules can affect the spin polarization of electrons, the effect is minuscule compared with what is seen with DNA.

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