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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความเต็มใจ " คือ ...

Thai : ความเต็มใจ (khwām tĕmcı)
Chinese : 意愿 (yìyuàn)

English : willingness
     Simplified Chinese : [n].愿意;乐意
     Traditional Chinese : [n].願意;樂意

Example :: willingness

Chinese : 这种意愿和灵敏度相结合需要现代阿拉伯马业主处理能力和尊重他们的马匹。
English : This combination of willingness and sensitivity requires modern Arabian horse owners to handle their horses with competence and respect.

Chinese : 八年中,我们一再表示愿意谈判。
English : In the past eight years we repeatedly expressed our willingness to negotiate.

Chinese : 摄政能令你的员工将其友爱,谨慎性和愿意向你提供优秀的服务。
English : The Regency staff will impress you with their friendliness, discreetness and willingness to provide you with outstanding service.

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