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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตลาดโลก " คือ ...

Thai : ตลาดโลก (tlād lok)
Chinese : 世界市场 (shìjiè shìchǎng)

English : world market
     Simplified Chinese : 世界市场
     Traditional Chinese : 世界市場

Example :: world market

Chinese : 能源的短缺已使原油价格在世界市场上迅速上涨。
English : The shortage of energy source has sent the price of crude oil up on the world market rapidly.

Chinese : 萧条的原因在于乡村工业和世界市场之间的关系问题。
English : The cause of depression lies in the relation between the village industry and the world market.

Chinese : 当产量超过需求时,过剩的产品便倾销到世界市场。
English : It produces more than it needs, then dumps its surplus onto the world market.

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