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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ข้อมือ " คือ ...

Thai : ข้อมือ (k̄ĥx mụ̄x)
Chinese : 腕 (wàn)

English : wrist
     Simplified Chinese : 腕
     Traditional Chinese : 腕

Example :: wrist

Chinese : 他们握住她的手腕。
English : They took her by the wrist.

Chinese : 埃莉诺猛地抽出了手腕。
English : Eleanor jerked her wrist free

Chinese : 他手腕猛一用力推开戴维,让这小伙子打了个踉跄。
English : He let David go with a thrust of his wrist that sent the lad reeling

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