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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไข่แดง " คือ ...

Thai : ไข่แดง (k̄hị̀dæng)
Chinese : 蛋黄 (dànhuáng)

English : yolk
     Simplified Chinese : 卵黄
     Traditional Chinese : 卵黃

Example :: yolk

Chinese : 拿什么替代:只食用低脂或脱脂乳制品,只吃蛋白(所有维生素A都在蛋黄中)。
English : What to eat instead: Switch to low-fat or nonfat dairy products only, and eat egg whites rather than whole eggs (all the vitamin A is in the yolk).

Chinese : 反之,往小蜥蜴卵中添加卵黄,他们孵出了雌性蜥蜴。
English : Adding yolk to a little egg was a recipe for a female.

Chinese : 产品的包装上显示沙拉不含奶黄酱,但成分列表中却标明食品配料含有蛋黄,油和白葡萄酒醋——这些正是制作奶黄酱的原料。
English : The label specified that it had no mayonnaise but the ingredients list revealed that it contained egg yolk, oil and white wine vinegar--which are all used to make mayonnaise.

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