Below are some helpful JS questions and awnsers to test you JS skills:
Q1) - Which of the following is an advantage of using JavaScript?
A - Less server interaction
B - Immediate feedback to the visitors
C - Increased interactivity
D - All of the above.
Q2) - Can you assign a anonymous function to a variable?
A - true
B - false
Q3) - Which of the following type of variable takes precedence over
other if names are same?
A - global variable
B - local variable
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.
Q4) - Which built-in method reverses the order of the elements of
an array?
A - changeOrder(order)
B - reverse()
C - sort(order)
D - None of the above.
Q5) - Which of the following function of Array object applies a function
simultaneously against two values of the array (from right-to-left) as to
reduce it to a single value?
A - pop()
B - push()
C - reduce()
D - reduceRight()